Condominiums and Apartment Complexes Need to Install EVSE
The popularity of EVs (electric vehicles) has been skyrocketing for the past decade. Whatever the reason—political statement, tax credit, access to HOV lanes or any other—EVs represent the future of personal vehicle production. Because each EV requires a power source, installations of specially-designed charging stations have been at a feverish pace at malls, restaurants, hotels and other busy locations. Progressive communities across the US are proud of their ecologically-balanced, environmentally-friendly lifestyles. Residents in these areas often choose EVs over traditional vehicles—which contribute to our country’s dependence on fossil fuels from foreign countries—but owners find it incredibly inconvenient to be without charging capabilities where they live and work. Because of this, apartment projects, condominiums and corporate campuses which were once considered impractical or unsuitable locations for EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment) installation now promi...